National Tree Week is Back!

News, Project

National Tree Week and #MyNewTree

National Tree Week (28 Nov - 6 Dec 2020) marks the start of the tree planting season, which runs between November and end March each year. To help celebrate this, we would love to see your tree planting in action (it could be the tree pit you're planning to use, your group in action, or your newly planted tree)!

You don’t even have to have planted a tree to share it. If a new tree has appeared on your street this year then please share it. If it has a label why not have a read of it to id your new tree and share that too.

Use #MyNewTree #NationalTreeWeek @TreeTalkUK (on Twitter) and we will help showcase your efforts and celebrate your trees.

If you're interested in how to plant a tree, then the Woodland Trust has a great guide with their tips on the most successful way of doing it.

Also, as a large number of tree planting events have been cancelled, you can still take part. The Tree Council will be hosting some free online arts and cultural events which can be found here.

Planting a tree is just the start! Read our article how TreeTalk can help improve survival rates for newly planted trees.